Automatic Helmet Painting Line System

robotic helmet painting line

Automatic helmet painting line starts from loading station through dust removal, spraying, drying and curing, cooling to unloading is completed by a chain spindle conveyor system, which greatly reduced labor and improved production efficiency and fine rate.

Automatic helmet painting line consists of the following units: load/unload station, automatic conveyor, dust removal cabin, preheat chamber, electrostatic dust removal, automatic spraying system, dust-free spray booth, waste air exhaust system, constant temperature and humidity AHU system, air pressure equalizing box, leveling/flash off, drying tunnel furnace, cooling system & central control system etc. As per customer specific production requests, it can be tailored to archieve the best performance.

Automatic helmet painting line features

1. Fully automatic operation over dust removal, spraying, drying and UV curing, suitable for batch continuous production, high vol output and uniform coating surface.
2. Bearings contact between conveyor chain and precise tracks are smooth and stable without shaking.
3. Electrostatic dust removal system is configured with high-voltage electrostatic generator, ion nozzle can be flexiblely adjusted according to helmet size. Plus workpiece rotation device, there is no dead angle for complete cleaning.
4. Water curtain eco friendly spray booth with smooth and clean airflow, guide plate and spoiler in booth will keep turbulent flow away from the workpiece and quickly eliminate pollution.
5. UV curing is equipped with multiple UV lamps, irradiation distance and angle can be adjusted by requirement. Forced rotation allows workpiece to be evenly cured with adjustable intensity.

Helmet painting line configuration

1. Ground chain spindle conveyor with inverter speed control 0–6m/min
2. Remove static electricity and dust on helmet surface through ion air blow
3. Equipped with preheat and dehumidification device before spraying to effectively remove watermarks or fingerprints on the surface
4. Three-side water curtain spray cabin equipped with centrifugal fan for waste air exhaust
5. Spraying area is equipped with rotation device to make helmets rotate during spraying
6. Painting robot is flexiblely programmed to spray all surface evenly on each piece
7. Furnace is IR or hot air supply configuration with minimum temperature difference (±5)
8. Waste air is centrally collected by spray tower and activated carbon filtration.

Automatic helmet painting line Advantages

1. Fully automatic production, only 2-3 workers needed for the whole production line, which effectively saves a lot of labor costs.
2. Helmet overall surface coating is uniform, fine rate is more than 95%.
3. Production speed is fast, be able to work 24 hours a day without interruption.
4. Painting line is a tight structure design which occupies a small area, can effectively save site space.
5. Painting line is ease of use. After program setup, skill-free personnel can also start production.
6. Robotic spray greatly increases paint utilization, can reduce paint consumption by 20%.

helmet painting conveyorhelmet painting boothhelmet painting station

Automatic helmet painting line process flow

The general process of a regular helmet painting line system includes the following:
Loading – wiping – Automatic electrostatic dust removal – Automatic spraying – Standing baking and cooling – UV curing – Unloading. (additional spraying and baking process can be added as per specific coating requirements).

In actual production condition, the steps included for helmet production involves a lot of sanding and putty. Especially for carbon fiber based helmet and military helmets, there’re more sanding steps required. Following is a basic process of the full production process:

Preparation process: water grinding – primer – drying – putty – water grinding – primers – drying – putty – water grinding – drying – grinding – solvent cleaning.
Painting process: manual wiping – load to painting line – preheating – electrostatic dust removal – coloring – flash off – varnish painting – leveling – drying – cooling/unload – inspection

Painting robot technical features

1. Precise spraying, long time problem free operation, less paint consumption, can work 24 hours uninterruptedly and high reliability
2. Fast speed uniform spraying, automatic adjustment of spray gun position and angle according to workpiece, flexible control of spraying size, 360-degree all-round spraying without dead angles
3. Explosion-proof, eco friendly & high safety performance, simple and ease of use
4. Multiple pieces can be coated at the same time for the same quality
5. Long service life, no wearing parts and easy to maintain. Simple structure and less space requirement
6. Almost unlimited program saving in memory and can be exported to a USB drive for backup purpose
7. Additional components can be added easily as per production requirements

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